Software Engineering at Flatiron School — A Guide to Each PhaseI’m so fresh of a graduate of Flatiron School that I’m not even sure that I am a graduate yet. However, with my final project review…Mar 10, 2021Mar 10, 2021
Use Key On Door — On the Construction of a Single Page Application using React and ReduxThe late 1960s, enjoying gradual increases year on year in computational power, gave birth to a more recreational form of computing. One…Mar 1, 2021Mar 1, 2021
The Long Arm of the Law — On the Construction of a Single Page Application using JavaScript & RailsAll of my projects up to and including this point seem to have taken an intensely mathematical perspective of things, even if the project…Feb 1, 2021Feb 1, 2021
Using PostgreSQL on a Windows 10 OS through Visual Studio Code via Windows Subsystem for LinuxDuring my time at Flatiron School, I’ve grappled more than once with using PostgreSQL (Postgres). For one, I wanted to deploy my Ruby on…Jan 29, 2021Jan 29, 2021
The Necessary Art — On the Construction of a Content Management System using Ruby on RailsThe human condition, particularly mortality, has been the focus of mankind for as long as abstract human thought has existed, likely with…Jan 2, 2021Jan 2, 2021
Trivialities of Trivia — On the Construction of a Content Management System using RubyMost people who know me well would say that I retain knowledge on some of the most useless of topics. Who exactly needs to know that the…Nov 23, 2020Nov 23, 2020
Black Prince’s Ruby — On the Construction of a Monarchical Command Line Interface using RubyThe royal history of the United Kingdom, spanning from its humble beginnings of the Kingdom of Wessex to the House of Windsor, shows a…Oct 22, 2020Oct 22, 2020
Published inThe StartupFlatiron School — “Why Did You Decide to Study Software Engineering?”As a young, scientifically-inclined student, I had gradually developed a fascination with programming, particularly after following…Oct 2, 2020Oct 2, 2020